Former faculty say cronyism, policy breaches led to their departures
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A high turnover rate in the Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business Department has been linked to an atmosphere of bullying, cronyism and disregard for faculty policy. Since the spring of 2015, seven full-time faculty members that make up one of the largest departments in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business no longer work at Hofstra. Administrators within the school were accused of repeatedly breaching the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), circumventing checks and balances at the university.
Included in these departures are former professors Dr. Daniel P. Tinkelman and Dr. Mohamed Gomaa, who alleged bullying tactics and policy violations on the part of department administrators and by Dr. Herman Berliner, dean of the Zarb school. This activity was made possible, they say, by cronyism that leads all the way up to Dean Berliner. Although the violations were brought to the attention of Provost Gail Simmons and President Stuart Rabinowitz, they were never addressed.
Tinkelman was appointed to be department chair during the summer of 2015, upon Berliner’s accession to deanship following the sudden retirement of former Dean Patrick Socci. When The Chronicle covered his departure in 2015, Socci could not be reached for comment on why he left.
Berliner had appointed his long-time friend Ralph Polimeni to head a committee to smooth over weak links in a proposed faculty classification document in order to meet new standards of The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Tinkelman said his criticism of the proposed policy produced by Polimeni’s committee ultimately led to his removal as chair.
“Dean Berliner, in the presence of Dean [Elizabeth] Venuti, told me that my comments at a chair’s meeting, calling for the collection of data to substantiate the recommendations of his committee’s report, had caused a lot of trouble, and that was a factor in why he thought I was not working out as chair,” Tinkelman said.
In the fall of 2015, according to five current and former faculty members, Berliner said that because of Tinkelman’s interjections, the senior faculty had lost faith in him. In a meeting with Berliner and Senior Associate Dean Venuti, “I was told that it would be best if my resignation was ‘for personal reasons,’” Tinkelman said. He initially agreed to resign, but later tried to remain in the position.
When the semester ended in December, Tinkelman said Berliner offered him an ultimatum. He told the chair that resignation from the position was in his best interest; otherwise he would be removed under “good cause.” Tinkelman eventually protested his removal and sought legal counsel to clear his reputation and dismiss Berliner’s petition for his removal on the grounds that it did not adequately follow the CBA and Faculty Policy Series (FPS).
Under FPS 13 and Article 23.4 of the CBA, the removal of a chair is warranted by either a two-thirds vote of the total faculty in a department or if “the dean requests such removal, which petition or request shall state good cause.”
In an email, Berliner called for a department meeting to discuss the chair’s removal. Berliner wrote, “Based on comments and issues brought to me by the faculty and my own observations, the chair has lost the confidence of the dean and the department and I am accordingly recommending removal.”
Tinkelman’s attorney argued that Berliner’s notice failed to provide good cause.
The meeting was held at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 17. There are no minutes of the meeting, but five current and former faculty members described it. At the meeting, a number of faculty members presented their complaints about Tinkelman. Among them were that he was rude, he had poor interpersonal skills and that he criticized Polimeni’s report. With no formal charges to refute, Tinkelman said he worried that the vague nature of these complaints would leave a blemish on his record if he were to remain chair.
After it was made clear at the meeting that there were no actual charges against him, Tinkelman indicated that he felt his reputation was intact, and that he would resign. Associate professor Victor Lopez was subsequently appointed interim chair.
In an email later sent to President Stuart Rabinowitz and Provost Gail Simmons on Aug. 17, 2016, Tinkelman laid out what he considered the mishandling of his removal, crediting the efforts to push him out to a “small clique of faculty.”
“They are a minority of the 20 full-time faculty, but their positions in the departmental personnel committee, connections to the union, willingness to file grievances, the gratitude of some other faculty to Ralph, and Ralph’s long friendship with Herman Berliner have given them influence,” Tinkelman wrote in his email.
Ties within the administration of this department reflect a potential for favoritism. The current chair of the department, Dr. Jacqueline Burke, was a teaching assistant to Polimeni, who is the head of the Departmental Personnel Committee (DPC). Patrick O’Brien, recently hired as a department administrator, had formerly been Burke’s teaching assistant.
Dr. Mohamed Gomaa, former professor of accounting, believes he faced retaliation from the department after voicing his disapproval for Tinkelman’s removal at the Dec. 2015 department meeting. Gomaa attended the meeting, despite being warned not to attend by Burke, who was then the chair of the DPC.
Gomaa filed a grievance with the provost and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Chapter President Dennis Mazzocco, provided to The Chronicle by Tinkelman. In the grievance, Gomaa said that he received a phone call from Burke on Dec. 15, 2015, prior to the scheduled meeting to discuss Tinkelman’s removal as chair. He said Burke thought it would not be a good idea to attend the meeting. In his grievance, Gomaa said, “I believe that by attending the meeting, and by openly disagreeing with Burke and Polimeni, specifically (members of the DPC), and by making Dean Berliner’s case against Dr. Tinkelman weaker, I became a target for retribution.”
This grievance was filed by Gomaa after being accused by Burke of plagiarism in April of 2016. Gomaa was up for reappointment at the time.
Burke prepared a report consisting of 130 pages of documents maintaining these accusations. Those documents have been provided to The Chronicle. Gomaa said these documents were distributed by Burke to members of the DPC, Berliner and Lopez, the acting chair of the department at the time.
However, FPS 41 states that such accusations must be brought to the provost and president and that the accuser may take no further action. Additionally, this accusation must be kept confidential.
The Chronicle has evidence suggesting that Burke, instead, did take further action, compromising the confidentiality of the accusation as well as Gomaa’s reputation.
In his grievance, Gomaa said of Burke, “She told me that I should appear in front of the DPC to hear and respond to the accusations … She did not offer to send me specifics of the charges before this meeting, nor did she suggest that I obtain assistance in rebutting the charges.”
In his letter to Simmons and Mazzocco, Gomaa said, “I do not trust these people to fairly judge my subsequent personnel actions and to give me fair treatment during my next reappointment. I therefore request that Dr. Burke, Prof. Weisel, Dr. Basile, Prof. Bass, and Dr. Polimeni be prohibited from serving on my reappointment, tenure and promotion committees.”
Simmons responded to Gomaa’s grievance with a letter that said, “As I have recommended to you previously, please talk with the dean who is as committed as I am to resolving issues and providing a positive and
collegial environment.” Additionally, she later said, “… I would encourage you to work within the school under the dean’s guidance …”
Berliner was provost before he stepped down in 2015. In Oct. of 2014, The Chronicle reported that following his retirement, “Provost Berliner will make the final decision as to who will replace him.” Simmons was chosen to replace Berliner. Shortly afterward, Berliner was selected to be interim dean of the Zarb school in 2015.
The role of the provost is to oversee all administrative responsibilities of each school, college and library within the university. This includes oversight of the deans of these schools and following up on grievances against administration.
After appearing at a DPC meeting regarding these charges, the accusations were dropped. Berliner and the DPC unanimously recommended his reappointment.
Nevertheless, Gomaa still felt threatened by certain faculty members, prompting him to resign in the fall of 2016.
In his grievance, he said, “As I look back on these matters, I find it shocking that several people, who should have had intimate knowledge of FPS, never informed me of my rights.”
The Chronicle reached out to Gomaa and he refused to comment, but confirmed the legitimacy of the documents and information provided to The Chronicle.
Additionally, in November of 2016, Gomaa, along with former faculty member Linda Schain, were removed from their positions as co-advisors for Beta Alpha Psi, an honors graduate organization for financial information students and professionals. Today, the current advisor for Beta Alpha Psi is O’Brien.
Venuti retired from Hofstra in 2016 after a grievance against her was submitted to Mazzocco by Burke, Polimeni, Dr. Anthony Basile, Professor Stuart Bass, Professor Robert Katz and Professor Martha Weisel. The grievance was shared with The Chronicle by Tinkelman. It listed a number of complaints against Venuti including an email she constructed that she sent to the dean and two other untenured faculty members in the accounting department.
In her email, she organized members of the DPC into a column that she said would answer “no” to the question “should the department place an emphasis on scholarly research?” Burke, Weisel, Polimeni, Bass, Basile and Katz were included in this column.
The grievance also listed Venuti’s attempt to run publications written by Burke and Basile through Turnitin – a higher education tool that prevents plagiarism – as means for their removal. The same tactic was used by Burke against Gomaa.
When The Chronicle reached out to Venuti, she declined to comment.
Mazzocco told The Chronicle in an email, “The union must protect faculty members from bullying and mistreatment by administration. That is one of the traditional protections that a union must provide – to balance the near limitless resources of the employer. Our union works to ensure that professional standards are adhered to and respected by everyone in the workplace. A union usually has different and appropriate means with which to protect a faculty member. It all depends on the severity of the mistreatment or contract violation.”
Burke and Simmons deferred all comments to Berliner, who in an email to The Chronicle, maintained that he and the Zarb school administration followed proper protocol during these cases. He wrote, “The University has policies to address faculty personnel matters, which contain inherent checks and balances, and those policies and procedures were followed in the matters addressed by your inquiry.”
A previous version of this article stated that Dr. Ralph Polimeni was head of the Departmental Personnel Committee and that Dr. Mohamed Gomaa received tenure from Hofstra. Both of these statements are inaccurate and have been removed.
Tony • Apr 19, 2018 at 9:13 pm
To TFMember –
I don’t get the impression that’s what Gomaa did at all. Maybe you’re referring to Tinkelman?
TFMember • Apr 19, 2018 at 2:47 am
To Tony,
This is a known fact (not just at Hofstra but at practically all universities) that untenured faculty members are supposed to show their expertise in teaching and research in the first few years of service. When such faculty members start questioning about aspects that pre-date their service at an institution without knowing or understanding the history of the institution, then they "step over their bounds". Again, this is long standing practice at all tenure giving institutions.
[email protected] • Apr 14, 2018 at 6:17 pm
To TFMember – you seem to have inside information that could provide clarity. Since Tinkelman was tenured and Gomaa was not, please explain "…one untenured faculty member who clearly stepped over his bounds in the first few years of his service at Hofstra." What did Gomaa do that stepped over his bounds? In fact, you seem to be suggesting, as Krahulik points out, that there are boundaries established by a "clique" (her word, not mine).
Another TFMember • Apr 13, 2018 at 1:03 pm
At TFMember – your second comment is completely flawed. Yes, Gomaa didn’t have tenure yet, but both Tinkelman and Venuti WERE tenured and were forced out by the horrendous behavior described in the article. The title is accurate. You should be concerned about this issue regardless. Today you may be in this cabal’s good graces, but that could change in a moment and through no fault of your own and then you may find yourself on the receiving end of their attacks. Burke actually yells at staff, degrades colleagues, and is remarkably unqualified to be Chair. Why is she there? Basically the result of a 30 year alliance with Polemini who is Berliner’s best friend. Most people in the building know this, but since most don’t have to work with or under her they don’t care. They will care if and when they find themselves under attack.
TFMember • Apr 13, 2018 at 1:58 am
If you redact the statement that "Dr. Mohamed Gomaa received tenure from Hofstra" as you have indicated at the bottom of the article, then why not change the title of the article that tenured professors were forced to resign? That is simply inaccurate and wrong to put out an article with a misleading and factually preposterous title. CORRECT THE TITLE OF THIS ARTICLE!!!
TFMember • Apr 12, 2018 at 5:21 pm
This comment is from another tenured faculty member. As former Dean, Polimeni does have a lot of influence in the policy decisions in the school. I think he has earned it based on his years of service at Hofstra but that does not imply all decisions are good. Opposing views need to be taken into consideration as some of these opposing views may have better merit than what groupthink would result in. The Accounting department is an important department for the school but that position is also used by the department to create biases, positions and partiality in decisions for the overall school.
Many aspects of this article are factually incorrect and has been presented from the standpoint of one untenured faculty member who clearly stepped over his bounds in the first few years of his service at Hofstra. Venuti as Senior Associate Dean also attempted to do certain things which she should have stayed away from.
However, in the light of this article, it would do good for the school administrators to address the overall situation raised here about the "clique" of faculty members who seem to have more powers than other faculty in the school. As in any other workplace, there are things seen and heard but remain unspoken for fear of retribution!!
[email protected] • Apr 12, 2018 at 2:05 pm
"Tom" is right. These people have a pattern of bullying and have gone after support staff as well as faculty. They file grievances and complaints against anyone who doesn’t stand in line at their command. Go ahead and check with the unions and see if they’ll confirm. Their rules are capricious. You never know if you’re going to be able to make them happy. Notice how every one of these comments is anonymous. That is not a coincidence. People fear for their jobs.
Faculty Member • Apr 11, 2018 at 4:10 pm
To "S" – you are obviously someone who is part of or a friend of the group that behaved this way. No, the article is not one sided. As someone who actually works in Weller Hall I can tell you that it is all true. How disgraceful to allege Drs. Tinkelman and Gomaa were not good professors & students complained. It was the opposite – Dr. Tinkelman is a brilliant academic and Dr. Gomaa’s student evaluations routinely exceeded his department’s average and his scores on overall teaching & feedback were frequently at the higher end of all accounting faculty. Being "long-standing" doesn’t make you good or respected. It just means you lasted — and sometimes you’ve lasted too long. There exists an environment and long-pattern of abuse and disrespect of colleagues by those named in the article. That entire department is a mess. Were there a few inaccuracies, yes. Did they go to the heart of the article – NO. The fact is — and this is what should concern students — that department has a long-standing pattern of hiring friends and former students and this has frequently been the result of ignoring more qualified candidates. Last, when as Dean, you put your best friend in charge of finding your replacement and "shocking" three of the most unqualified candidates imaginable are presented to the faculty — it is obvious the fix was in. Berliner hasn’t really been inside a classroom to any measurable degree in over 30 years and has no interest in walking away from his power position. He wouldn’t know how to exist as a mere faculty member. I feel sorry for those who work in that department because the hostile environment that exists in that department HAS to be affecting faculty performance, which in turn, is to the detriment of the students. Last, "disgruntled" or not, that article gave CLEAR evidence of specific policy violations on the part of specific administrators or committee heads that the university ignored and that should send shivers down the spines of the rest of the faculty. To "Alum" – Being well-liked by students and/or being a good professor does NOT equal being a good administrator or a good person.
In the end, just like how they handle every other problem at Hofstra the administration will ignore this cancerous situation too and we will remain the dysfunctional, divided, crony-based institution we are today. Sad, but true.
S • Apr 11, 2018 at 2:48 pm
This article is extremely one-sided and full of inaccuracies. The story is clearly from the perspective of a single disgruntled professor who attempted to use The Chronicle as a platform to spread untrue rumors. Dr. Gomaa was not tenured and students did not have good experiences in his class. Dr. Tinkelman was also not a good teacher and students complained about his classes. The administration and professors in Zarb were looking out for students. Dr. Berliner and Dr. Polimeni are long-standing members of the Hofstra community who are highly regarded by students, faculty, and staff alike. If they were investigating professors, there must have been a significant reason for it.
[email protected] • Apr 11, 2018 at 1:58 am
The article is 100% spot on.
Only issue is they went after support staff also. Bad corrupt people.
Alum • Apr 10, 2018 at 7:54 pm
Perhaps the author should have talked to more sources who could have discussed the teaching capability of those who resigned. As an alum, I can attest to the fact that several students voiced concerns about Prof. Gomaa’s competency and adequacy as a professor starting in his first semester teaching at Hofstra. The professors accused of “cronyism” are known as the best teachers in the department.